Monday 15 May 2023


The different characteristics of Dharma according to Manu Dharma assumes various kinds as given below:

a. Sanatana Dharma (Divine eternal Law),

b. Samanya Dharma (General duty),

c. Visesha Dharma (Special duty),

d. Varnashrama Dharma (Duties of Caste and Order),

e. Svadharma (One’s own duty),

f. Yuga Dharma (Duty of the Age),

g. Kula Dharma (Duty of family),

h. Manava Dharma (Duty of humans),

i. Purusha Dharma (Duty of male),

j. Stri Dharma (Duty of female),

k. Raja Dharma (Duty of king),

l. Praja Dharma (Duty of subjects),

m. Pravritti Dharma (Duty in worldly life) and

n. Nivritti Dharma (Duty in spiritual life).

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